

9 July, 2024

Bowls News

Wednesday’s social bowls, Sunday’s ‘anti-social’ bowls and triples championships.

By Supplied

Bowls News - feature photo

By Maxine Elsom

Wednesday’s Social Bowls

A great field of 19 bowlers enjoyed a game of social bowls last Wednesday. The winners of the afternoon were Ed Wlodarczyk and Bob Dicks in defeating Jim L’Homme and Jayden Doran, 24-13.

In other games, Stacey Reynolds and Mouse Holland defeated Mike Newstead and Baden Fisher, 22-13. Larry Clark, Bob Rogers (swinger), and Garry Garbutt defeated Bill Gale and Rambo Young 16-15 by the toss of the coin as it was 15-all after 18 ends. Bruce Parker, Betty (visitor), and Dylan Marchant had a win against Mal Altmann, Dave Jones, and Rod Howchin, 15-8.

Sunday’s ‘Anti-Social’ Bowls

No social bowls were played on Sunday as it must have been a bit too cold and they were all too soft. One of our hardy, reliable bowlers, being Bruce Parker, was the only one looking for a game but there were no takers. Good onya Parkey!

Triples Championships

On the Triples Championships scene, there was only one game played on Saturday afternoon. In witnessing this game, it was evident that - “Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn” when the older troop of Mouse Holland, Bob Dicks, and Rambo Young won the battle against the younger brigade being Andrew Townsend, Shaun Marchant, and Wenden Riley in the second round of the triples with the score being 25-20.

The young soldiers came out of the trenches all guns blazing and quickly shot to a 14-4 lead after seven ends. On the 16th end, Wenden’s team was still leading 20-16 and it looked like the opposing team was running out of ammo. It was at this stage the Rambo skipped team reloaded, took aim, and attacked the jack like their lives depended on it, hence they took the lead for the first time on the 19th of 21 ends and went on to win the next two ends and claim the victory.

The Wenden Riley-skipped team never waved the white flag after being headed and fought to the very last end which could have gone either way. Wenden played outstanding bowls as skip for his team and was ably assisted by Andrew and Shaun who both played great bowls. The ever-reliable Bob Dicks played as he does, with great consistency. Rambo also pulled off some great shots, particularly towards the end when the pressure was on and consistently encouraged his team and to his credit also acknowledged good bowls by the opposition until the very last end.

Mouse was a little bit disappointed in his own game but did contribute to the winning side and also had the consolation and happiness of the ‘Canterbury Bulldogs’ playing very well and gaining a good win on Friday night.


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