General News

21 January, 2024

Best of 2023: Collison and Naden Drive set for road repairs

The section of road where Collison and Naden Drive meet is set for repairs and upgrades with the council resolving to undertake the required works at the November council meeting.

By Andrew Tarry

Roads around the new industrial estate will be upgraded to support the development
Roads around the new industrial estate will be upgraded to support the development

The location was picked after some consideration and discussion by the council.

There were other possibilities raised with work on the creek crossing on Hilliers Road, an intersection upgrade of Armatree and Berida Bullagreen Road, causeway/drainage structure upgrades on various roads and further road widening on Leeches Creek Road a few of the options named.

However, Collison and Naden Drive were picked as the “road pavement in this area is subject to heavy vehicles and is in poor condition and deteriorating.

The formation is deficient and a major contributor to the lack of runoff, causing water to pool at the lower end of Naden Drive,” said Daryl Colwell, council’s director of infrastructure.

The funding, which totals $506,706 and is allocated towards the repairs, comes from the Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program round four, part ‘B’ grant.

Previously the council have allocated $874,888 from part ‘A’ of the grant towards further sealing of National Park Road.

Mr Colwell’s report argues that the B funding is of sufficient scale to import the required materials, reform and shape the roads to support heavy vehicles and provide efficient drainage.

Mr Colwell’s recommendation to approve the funds was accepted by the council at the November meeting.

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