
General News

20 March, 2025

Gilgandra & District Cancer Fundraisers

Gilgandra and District Cancer Fund-raisers (GDCF) held their annual general meeting on March 5, 2025 at the Uniting Church.

By Supplied

Gilgandra & District Cancer Fundraisers - feature photo

Contributed by president, Wendy Nelson

All executive positions remained the same, president Wendy Nelson, secretary Sally Jordison, and treasurer Harry Langes.

In the last 12 months, with the generous support of our amazing community, we were able to financially assist 31 cancer patients.

This assistance helps with those out-of-pocket expenses associated with their diagnoses and treatment.

We have an account at the local pharmacy for cancer sufferers to access, to help with the cost of medication.

The 2024 Combined Codes for Cancer fundraiser was a great success with both codes donating $3000 each. Our raffle on the day raised $2768.75 in just a few hours of selling tickets, a fantastic response.

Daffodil Day was once again a huge day, thanks to the community donations of home cooked cakes and slices, plus other saleable products. Thankfully the weather was kind to us.

The 2025 community calendar came together like clockwork, thanks to Margo Piggott and her willing band of helpers, it’s a mighty effort and the community is always eager to grab one.

Our Christmas dinner was held at the Royal Hotel, we walked into a beautiful, decorated venue. It certainly makes you feel special when you dine on lovely white tablecloths.

GDCF is a local organisation helping locals, my wish is there’s a day when cancer is just a zodiac sign.


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