General News
21 March, 2025
Gilgandra PROBUS Club Report
Gilgandra PROBUS Club met on Thursday, March 13, 2025 for their annual ‘Chanegover Luncheon’.

This year, the lunch didn’t officially mark a changeover of personnel, just the change of the year, as at the annual meeting of the club last month all position holders were returned to office.
The 2025/26 executive are: president Pat Thompson, vice-presidents Brenda Walker and Linda Wykes, secretary Anne Smith, and treasurer Elaine Gilmour. Committee members are: Denise Quealy (tours and welfare), Margaret Schier (guest speakers and publicity), and Helen Ferguson (newsletter editor).
The changover lunch was held at the Gilgandra Services Club and members were welcomed by the president before Shirley Mudford gave the Loyal Toast and Margaret Schier said Grace.
After the main course, Jeff Marks gave a toast to PROBUS Internationl and the response was delivered by Pat Thompson.
President’s Report 2024-25 (given February 13)
By president Pat Thompson
“I am happy to say 2024 has been another successful year and that is because of you as members. We have been on various outings and welcomed new members and hopefully everyone has enjoyed the fellowship which PROBUS provides.
“My position as president is made very simple as I have the privilege of sitting in the middle of two very conscientious and capable members, Anne Smith as secretary and Elaine Gilmour, who is treasurer, and I sincerely thank both ladies.
“Tour director and welfare officer, Denise Quealy is, of course, exceptional. Nothing is a bother to Denise, and she is always happy to accept whatever is asked of her, and I thank you Denise. To guest speaker facilitator, Marg Zell, I offer a huge thank you. This position is not an easy one and Marg has never faulted. She has provided excellent speakers throughout 2024. PROBUS is fortunate to have a publicity officer who excels in so many ways and to you, Margaret Schier, I can’t say thank you enough. I also thank Shirley Marks, who is always available in Marg’s absence.
“I thank Marg Robins, Nancy Semmler and Nan Nalder who are much needed at the front table to welcome everyone. Joycelyn, June, and Carole are always ready to pass the cuppas and I thank you.
In September 2024, our club was privileged to present life membership to longtime member, Val Lummis. Val has offered her services in various positions and PROBUS was honoured to present Val with her life membership. We welcomed new members Karen Mc-Burnie, Jenny Thomas and Aileen Gardoll.
“To, Helen Ferguson, we appreciate that you are so capable of sitting at your computer each month and having our notices ready for delivery. My thanks to Rees and Elaine for delivering the newsletters each month, a very time-consuming job and we are most grateful.
“We are so fortunate to have a member in our midst as Elaine Gilmour. I am grateful to her for all she does. Elaine continues to make and decorate a delicious Christmas cake and has a special talent she shares in decorating whenever possible. Elaine, we are all most appreciative.
“To the manager of the Gilgandra Services Club, Quentin Karaitiana, who always has the club vacant for us and chairs ready and to Leanne, in the office, always obliging in everyway. I thank our wonderful chef, Denise. Everyone enjoys the lunches and most of all the delicious scones for morning tea.
“Thank you for having me as president for 2024 and I wish Probus a most successful year in 2025.”