
Community & Business

30 May, 2024

Gilgandra Swimming Club 2023/24 presentation night

Gilgandra Swimming Club held its annual presentation evening on May 7, to celebrate the 2023/24 swimming season.

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Medals for 100 per cent participation. Back row: Milla Morris, Pippa Rogers, Lottie Duffy, Brooke Beaton, Alice Peart, Hattie Thomas, and Ruby Ryan. Front: Oliver Peart, Mitchell Beaton, Bill Ryan, Darcy Adams, Hannah Peart, and Hannah Meers. Absent Shane Debritt.
Medals for 100 per cent participation. Back row: Milla Morris, Pippa Rogers, Lottie Duffy, Brooke Beaton, Alice Peart, Hattie Thomas, and Ruby Ryan. Front: Oliver Peart, Mitchell Beaton, Bill Ryan, Darcy Adams, Hannah Peart, and Hannah Meers. Absent Shane Debritt.


Gilgandra Swimming Club held its annual presentation evening on May 7, to celebrate the 2023/24 swimming season. Many trophies and medals were awarded to a group of talented and committed swimmers.

Award recipients:

Overall highest point scorers: Hannah Peart and Lottie Duffy.

Club champions: Dallas Carr and Sarah Temple.

Age awards:

Amelia Altmann: Under nine highest point scorer breaststroke.

Hannah Peart: Under nine highest point scorer freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly and age champion.

Amelia Eason: Under nine highest point scorer individual medley and 132m freestyle.

Archie O’Connor: 10 years highest point scorer freestyle, backstroke and age champion.

Mitchell Beaton: 10 years highest point scorer backstroke.

Charlie Cruickshank: 10 years highest point scorer breaststroke and butterfly.

Chloe Heffer: 10 years highest point scorer freestyle and breaststroke.

Amelia Marchant: 10 years highest point scorer backstroke.

Samara Hawke: 10 years highest point scorer butterfly and 132m freestyle.

Hannah Meers: 10 years highest point scorer individual medley, 200m freestyle and age champion.

Lottie Duffy: 11 years highest point scorer freestyle, butterfly, individual medley and age champion.

Lucy Zell: 11 years highest point scorer 200m freestyle.

Claudia Harrison: 11 years highest point scorer backstroke.

Milla Morris: 11 years highest point scorer breaststroke.

Oscar Medd: 11/12 years highest point scorer freestyle.

Bill Ryan: 11/12 years highest point scorer backstroke.

Jaxson Dixon: 11/12 years highest point scorer breaststroke.

Kobi Wright: 11/12 years highest point scorer individual medley.

Oliver Peart: 11/12 years highest point scorer butterfly and age champion.

Pippa Rogers: 12 years highest point scorer freestyle, breaststroke, butterfly, individual medley and age champion.

Elsie Adams: 12 years highest point scorer backstroke and 200m freestyle.

Alexia Riley: 13 years highest point scorer freestyle.

Ruby Ryan: 13 years highest point scorer backstroke, butterfly, 132m freestyle and age champion.

Brooke Beaton: 13 years highest point scorer breaststroke and individual medley.

Lorelai Hawke: Senior girls highest point scorer freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, individual medley, 200m freestyle and age champion.

Dylan Wright: Senior boys highest point scorer freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, individual medley and age champion.

Dallas Carr: Senior boys highest point scorer 200m freestyle.

Coaches awards:

Molly Temple, Dylan Wright, Harrison Newton, Hattie Thomas.

Medals for 100 per cent attendance at point score:

Darcy Adams, Brooke Beaton, Mitchell Beaton, Shane Debritt, Lottie Duffy, Hannah Meers, Milla Morris, Alice Peart, Hannah Peart, Oliver Peart, Pippa Rogers, Ruby Ryan, Bill Ryan, Hattie Thomas.

Certificates for five years or more service to Gilgandra Swimming Club:

Brooke Beaton, Simone Beaton, Dallas Carr, Tilla Chandler, Alana Elsom, Alexandra Gaff, Lorelai Hawke, Elsie Mudford, Alexia Riley, Molly Temple, Sarah Temple (10 years).


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