
General News

15 May, 2022

Gilgandra’s 2022 Young Woman ambassador named

Kathryn Alchin is Gilgandra's Young Woman of the Year for 2022, with Brooke Elsley, as runner up.

By Emily Middleton

Gilgandra’s 2022 Young Woman ambassador named - feature photo

The two women were judged by Helen Oates and Michael Cain, who didn't show each other their scores before the official presentation. They believed that both contestants were equally as deserving, so left the numbers up to higher officials.

Miss Alchin was born in Gilgandra, and is currently studying a bachelor of veterinary biology/bachelor of veterinary science through CSU Wagga Wagga.

Growing up in Gilgandra, Miss Alchin feels incredibly proud to repre- sent her community.

"I am so excited about the opportuni- ties this experience offers and hope I can make Gilgandra proud. I feel grateful that Gilgandra Show Society and the var- ious sponsors from our town see the value in this competition and continue to support it," said Miss Alchin.

During her interview, Miss Alchin had the opportunity to speak about her

passion for the rural lifestyle, and the value in rural community involvement. "I believe we have a very unique way of life in the country that not everyone gets to experience, and events such as agricul- tural shows are one of the many ways to highlight this."

After being a long supporter of the show and the young woman competition, Miss Alchin decided to give it a go.

"I jumped at the chance to take part. Without competitors, competitions like this cease to exist so, it was a small way I was able to show my support," said Miss Alchin.

Hoping to inspire more young women for next year’s competition and beyond, Miss Alchin wants to tell other young women to "give everything a go".

"If an opportunity presents itself don't be afraid to get involved.

“Also the agricultural industry, in it's many forms, has some amazing career opportunities."

Miss Alchin will represent Gilgandra in the zone finals of the AgShows Young Women competition later this year. 


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