
General News

21 March, 2025

Historical Society Notes

A collection of black and white photographs have been received from Howard McGinty of Brightwaters (Lake Macquarie). See them in this article, and more information from the Gilgandra Historical Society.

By Supplied

Staff of Gilgandra District School dated March 1932. Back row: Mr Holt, Mr Moroney, Miss Brown, Mr Quin, Mr Byrnes, Mr Dwyer, Mr King, and Miss Holman. Front row: Misses Horner, McGinty, Banfield, Lees, and Muller. Photos contributed by Gilgandra Historical Society, donated by Howard McGinty.
Staff of Gilgandra District School dated March 1932. Back row: Mr Holt, Mr Moroney, Miss Brown, Mr Quin, Mr Byrnes, Mr Dwyer, Mr King, and Miss Holman. Front row: Misses Horner, McGinty, Banfield, Lees, and Muller. Photos contributed by Gilgandra Historical Society, donated by Howard McGinty.

Contributed by Gilgandra Historical Society

Students from Shellharbour Anglican Grammar School will again be visiting Gilgandra to undertake volunteer work with organisations in the district.

Max Zell has spoken to principal Sven Barter and is organising a list of jobs to be undertaken at Gilgandra Museum. Max will also organise equipment and members to be available when the students arrive. This is a worthwhile venture for both the school and the museum.


Members Marg Schier and Margo Piggott along with president Phil Howard collected some brochures, photographs, and a video, which they displayed at the last week’s seniors luncheon and expo the shire hall for attendees’ interest.


A working bee is to be held later this month with a list of items to be attended to be compiled. Gutter guard is to be purchased and installed on the south side of the shed to alleviate leaves clogging up the gutter. This will prevent spillage of water during rain storms onto the grounds. Member Neil Cooper has purchased a new whipper snipper and reports it is working very well.


A wonderful collection of black and white photographs has been received from Howard McGinty of Brightwaters (Lake Macquarie). Those with descriptions are dated in the 1930s.

Some are attached to this report for readers’ interest. The photos were developed by R L Currie and were in a folder of B Howard-Smith, both early chemists in Gilgandra.


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