
General News

6 June, 2024

May council meeting round-up

Gilgandra Shire Council held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

By Nicholas Croker, Cadet Journalist

May council meeting round-up - feature photo

Gilgandra Shire Council held their monthly meeting on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Discussed were the 2024 local government elections, referenda, and polls, the 2024 Australian Council of Local Government, and the Operational Plan Review 2023/24. Furthermore, the Delivery Program and Operational Plan 2024/25, the Long Term Financial Plan and budget 2024/25, the quarterly budget, and the Freedom Camping Overnight Parking Trial review.

2024 Local Government Elections, Referendums and Polls

Council was advised on Wednesday, May 1 by Steve Robb, director of customer service and relationship management at the NSW Electoral Commission, that “local government elections are fast approaching… if you’re considering conducting a constitutional referendum or a council poll alongside councillor elections… please let us know.” Council resolved not to hold a poll or referendum in parallel to the 2024 local government elections, as there are no referendum topics. Council will respond to the NSW Electoral Commission accordingly.

2024 Australian Council of Local Government

The Australian government will hold the sixth Australian Council of Local Government (ACLG) in Canberra on Friday, July 5, 2024, at the National Convention Centre. The event highlights issues faced by regional councils and communities, putting local government priorities “front and centre.” Discussed this year will be climate change and renewable energy opportunities, disaster recovery and resilience, service delivery and skills, as well as peri-urban councils and regional cities. A gala dinner is to be held the night prior, where the National Awards for Local Government will be presented by the minister for regional development, local government, and territories, the Hon Kristy McBain. No costs are associated with either event. Council is yet to determine their attendance.

Operational Plan Review 2024/25

Highlights by theme were presented to council for this quarter. In summary:

  • Live heavy road patching and resealing is planned for this period’s final quarter.

  • Design drawings for a new sewer treatment plan are completed.

  • Cooee Lodge is offering additional activities with good attendance.

  • The annual autumn youth holiday program was a success.

  • The contract engagement with both Insight Consulting Australia and Lake Advisory has been completed, with internal projects on the Childcare and Community Health Vision Strategies proceeding accordingly.

  • Network enhancements through fibre and new wireless links have been installed.

  • Enjoy Greening Strategy and Youth Strategy internal workings teams are established and proceeding forward.

  • Council will continue to assist local community groups such as St Ambrose Church and the Gilgandra Community Gardens Club with funding.

  • The GIL Library Hub has not yet received an occupation certificate, but building works continue, with an expected opening in July.

  • The Gilgandra Art Gallery is booked out for 2024.

  • Under the Gums is undergoing internal planning, including traffic consultation and lineup finalisation.

  • The Real Country Strategic Plan has been endorsed.

  • Bike hire terms and rates endorsed by Council, ready for launch in early April.

  • Draft documents endorsed by local councils on public exhibition include the Castlereagh Country Drought Resilience Plan/Assessment/Action Plan/Stakeholder Engagement Report. Draft plans submitted to CSIRO for review.

  • The purchase and development of industrial land are proceeding.

  • The Inland Rail Water Bore Project construction is nearing completion.

  • All three involved councils have endorsed the Real Country Strategic Plan.

  • Upcoming community engagement on the Village Management Consultation draft, budget for the 2024/25 Childcare Strategy and Health Strategy.

  • Annual food shop inspections are currently underway.

  • Swimming pool compliance inspections are underway.

  • Unapproved development inspections are underway and will be followed up as required.

Freedom Camping Overnight Parking Trial Review

A two-year trial of an overnight rest area for fully self-contained recreational vehicles began in autumn 2021. Feedback from stakeholders was collected and is now ready for review. Local businesses such as Gilgandra Caravan Park and Rest A While Caravan Park noted concerns regarding reductions in occupancy rates and income, loss of business, and a general negative impact. Overnight parking users were generally in favor, with over 60 percent indicating they would have “skipped over” Gilgandra if not for the free parking. Local businesses were in support. Although there was increased foot traffic through the Gilgandra CBD, businesses did not note any increase in income. Council has resolved to extend the trial period to December 31, 2024, to explore “alternate models for free and/or low-cost camping options, along with the locations, with a view of maximizing benefits to the Gilgandra Region visitor economy.”


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