General News
7 September, 2024
Nicholas White
Nicholas White is an independent candidate running for Gilgandra Shire Council.
Why have you decided to run for council?
I am running for council as members of the community have asked me to contribute as they feel with my previous experiences I could bring a fresh lens and a new vitality to broaden the growth and prosperity of the Gilgandra region.
Having considered, I feel this would be a great opportunity for me to give back to a community that has made settling here a great pleasure.
What project/s are you most interested in this new term?
The most important opportunity I feel is the ability to maintain and grow our existing workforce.
This hinges on many components such as good health, the choice of a high standard of education, and a quality and choice of housing.
With these foundations we will harness the talent that we have within our community plus highlight Gilgandra as an attractive option for those wanting to build their own future in our beautiful and vibrant community.
What are some of the key issue/s you plan to focus on?
If elected, I would like to explore possibilities of taking full advantage of Gilgandra’s unique geographical location and major road convergence to explore enabling the expansion of existing businesses within shire and to encourage new business to grow by utilising the maximum advantages of our new rail network and the opportunity of a Curban intermodal.
As referenced in outgoing councillor Mudford’s Letter to the Editor, we can appreciate the incredible work that is achieved with a limited budget.
As Cr Mudford and other councillors, have in the past always fought hard for the prioritisation of ratepayer contributions and government funding to be utilised in the most effective way for our local roads to benefit all the residents of the shire.
Recognising tourism not only brings an income to the region but I feel more importantly it brings a recognition of the Gilgandra region as a valuable option for those wishing to settle and thrive in the area.
I understand a holistic approach will be required to achieve the Towards 5000 goal; health, education, housing, and employment would underpin this objective.
What do you hope to bring to the Gilgandra Shire Council?
I hope to bring a fresh lens, I have always had an enthusiastic ‘glass half full’ approach to life which I would hope to bring to the council.
I like to think of myself as an approachable, open character.
Always having an appreciation for the rules; I have always understood that there are always alternatives in reaching the best outcome.
Why should people vote for you?
If the Gilgandra shire community vote for me, I would listen and could represent a broad section of the community, at the same time using my previous experience in business and working with government to find the best outcomes for the residents of the shire.
I also have had experience with engaging with influential decision makers and have broad networks within NSW.
Authorised by Nicholas White, 2488 Newell Highway, Biddon NSW 2827.