
General News

13 July, 2024

Pastor’s Viewpoint

“All we need is love”, sang the Beatles all those years ago. Nothing has changed! The challenge has always been, and still is, how do we keep loving?

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Pastor’s Viewpoint - feature photo

By Fr Greg Kennedy, St Joseph’s Catholic Church

Perseverance is not easy! The demands of loving everyone can be overwhelming, particularly if we’re not overly fond of this person, or their demands seem never-ending!

Jesus’ commandment is so simple – love as he loved. So, how do I lay down my life? What does that look like day-to-day? Parents know how to do this for their children.

How do I translate that kind of care and compassion to others in my community? How far does my generosity extend?

Even as I reflect on this, it seems like a burden: something that makes me feel inadequate, or not quite up to the task.

That’s when we listen to St John: “this is the love I mean: not our love for God, but God’s love for us”.

We have been given new life in Christ. It is all God’s work. If I can accept God’s love in gratitude, if I can focus on what I have been given, maybe, just maybe, I can start to love as Jesus did.


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