Community & Business
2 March, 2025
Industrial land being developed by council
Council has said in a media release that there are currently two new industrial subdivisions being developed.

Gilgandra Shire Council (GSC) has made significant progress in the delivery of additional industrial land to cater for increasing regional demand.
Council has said in a media release that there are currently two new industrial subdivisions being developed on the western side of Gilgandra township:
• Gilgandra Industrial Estate Stage Two, 97 Warren Road to address significant enquiries around light industrial development proposals.
• Oxley Highway Industrial Estate to meet general industrial proposals and take advantage of the upcoming opportunities associated with major projects in our region including those associated with Inland Rail and the Renewable Energy.
Construction works are underway at 97 Warren Road, Gilgandra as part of the upcoming 12 lot light industrial subdivision.
The proposed development includes road reconstruction of Naden Drive and Collison Drive cul-de-sac, construction of new stormwater drainage on Naden Drive and Collison Drive.
The development also includes concrete dish drains for property access and extension of water and sewerage reticulation, NBN pit and pipe work, power infrastructure upgrades including two substations and streetlighting.
The Oxley Highway Industrial Estate development has seen the rezoning of approximately 52 hectares on the western fringe of town on the Oxley Highway from Primary Production (RU1) to General Industrial (E4).
The rezoning process has been finalised and Council is now progressing with preparation of the Development Application (DA) documents for the 21 hectares of Council owned industrial land adjacent the highway.
GSC general manager David Neeves said progress in the development of both light and general industrial land is a significant step forward for our town and region via the media release.
“We will have the capability to cater for both light industry that requires a smaller footprint and/or greater exposure along with larger scale general industrial developments, including opportunities associated with Inland Rail and Renewable Energy,” he said.
GSC is now seeking expressions of interest (EOIs) from businesses or individuals keen to invest in Gilgandra to support local economic growth and job creation.
This expression of interest includes a council owned lot in a previously developed subdivision, and an initial two lots in the Gilgandra Industrial Estate Stage Two in which developers have shown significant interest:
• Lot 103 (7 Enterprise Drive, Gilgandra)
• Lot 11 (Gilgandra Industrial Estate Stage 2)
• Lot 12 (Gilgandra Industrial Estate Stage 2)
General Manager, David Neeves said via a media release: “This is a unique opportunity to establish or expand in Gilgandra’s commercial and industrial sector.
“I encourage those interested in the above lots to put forward their submissions through TenderLink.”
Council has also resolved to list lots 1-10 of the Gilgandra Industrial Estate Stage Two with local real estate agents, and it is anticipated that these lots will be on the market in the first half of 2025 with construction of the subdivision anticipated to be completed towards the end of May 2025.