
General News

27 September, 2024

Update on election

The 2024 election count continues with five candidates locked in to serve as Gilgandra shire councillors for the next four years and another four places up for grabs between five other candidates.

By Nicholas Croker, Cadet Journalist

Table source: NSW Electoral Commission website.
Table source: NSW Electoral Commission website.

As at 2pm on Monday, September 23; Ashley Walker, Madeline Foran, Ian Freeth, Paul Mann, and last term’s mayor Doug Batten have all reached quota and secured spots in the next term of council.

Just shy of the one-point quota is candidate Nicholas White (0.92). Fellow candidates Greg Peart, Gail Babbage, Brian Mockler, and Amber Bunter will all require favourable preference voting, that being numbered two or lower on the ballot, to be elected to the 2025 to 2029 council. There were 10 candidates for this election and nine councillors will be elected.

Ashley Walker dominated the Gilgandra pre-poll claiming 231 of the 373 votes before election day, with Paul Mann (175) also performing well at the Gilgandra pre-poll. Election day at Gilgandra Shire Hall belonged to new candidate Madeline Foran with 130 votes, no other candidate topping 100 at Gilgandra on polling day. Brian Mockler (48) polled the most votes at Tooraweenah, according to the NSW Electoral Commission’s website.

2415 formal votes (first preference) have been counted with 107 informal or other votes. Postal votes and preferences have yet to be counted, the result of each yet to be announced in the coming weeks.


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